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Computers Without Borders - Mayan Families
Mayan Families (Guatemala)

In the fall of 2013 Mayan Families became Computers without Borders first official international partner! Mayan Families was founded in 2005 by Patricia Mort, Sharon Smart-Poage and Dwight Poage, three U.S. expats who have lived and worked with the Maya indigenous communities of the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala for over twenty years. The organization was established initially as a support network to assist local indigenous families. Mayan Families is introducing a new computer access for education initiative in 2014 to help optimize the use of future computer donations and to insure that donated computers are used to their fullest potential. Without plans such as this in place, it is likely that donated computers may be deployed to schools and communities where computer literacy is limited among both teachers and students. In cases such as this, the donated computers would be highly underutilized as few, if anyone, in the community would be able to use or to operate them.

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